Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Guilty as charged...

Let's face it. We all enjoy taking pictures of ourselves on photobooth. If we are bored and just sit down at the computer, who doesn't pull that picture taking device up and snap a couple shots? Well, I know I do. So I decided to post pictures from when we first got this Mac. Only on the family account. There are plenty more on my account.

Enjoy. The then, and now of me taking pictures of myself. (I wanted to post pictures of other people, but I decided that if they wanted those up, they could put them up themselves. I am sure you all appreciate that. I found some of a majority of you....ha.)

Don't laugh. Sometimes I get bored and it's my entertainment to take pictures. Actually, you can laugh. Just don't judge. Thank you

When I had short black hair

No braces...

Hey there glowing face

Oh, sorry. This is from my Hawaii trip, not photobooth

I like hair mustaches 

Starting to miss my no bang hair right about now...

I used to be a fan of these distorted pictures and laugh my head off...now I find them unflattering. So I only posted this one

After I cut my bangs

My other Hawaii trip

Big eyed bug?
There you have it.

I decided I should get a Mac when I get a laptop...just for this application.


  1. Good. I needed a post to read.

    At first I thought, I don't do that. And then I thought, oh yeah. I totally do.

    I like your bangs.
