Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I think i need to flirt more...ha.

"You don't even like boys!"
said one of my male friends tonight

I wonder if that's what all the guys think...

I'm content with that though.

...for now. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Confession time baby!

Alright. Listen up. I have some confessions to make.

First off I would like to say that when I was younger, I would do things for attention (don't we all?) so on some of these things, please bear (bare? ...)with me. I thought I was being funny and that they would just go away but these things have kept coming up and I am now old enough and am not embarrassed to let you guys know that:

Lorien - remember when I "slept walked" into your room and had a sword fight? I was awake. I either woke up and couldn't get back to sleep so decided to or I planned it...I don't remember. So that perfect form I was all me. Thanks :)

Kim - Idaho. 5 years ago about. Maybe 4. Again with the sleep walking type thing. I was WIDE awake and I'm not sure what prompted that one. I did come up with everything as I went though, it was not a planned in advance thing. Potgut. Enough said. Oh, and wall river dancing.

Kim, Rose, and....Bethany I think - When I wrote down everything that you guys were saying in your sleep, about 1 sentence of that was true. Someone said something on my way down to mom's room and so I ran and got a paper and pen so that I could write down what you said if there was anything else. BUT, no one said anything. So I made it up.

There are my confessions. I know, I was a horrible human being...child...girl. I'm pretty sure that was all as far as the sleep stuff goes. HOWEVER. I might have pretended I was talking in my sleep sometimes, but 90% of the time I was talking, and possibly walking, and kicking, and taking up almost every corner of the bed without my knowledge. Cross my heart hope to die.

There you go folks! Now I don't have to keep telling people that it really didn't happen when it gets brought up.... Forgive me? :) It was, after all, a long time ago. Elementary school and jr high yeah. A long time ago

Oh, and Mom - when I was about....8 or 9, it was me who spilled all the flour on the floor in the storage room, not Christian. So, you shouldn't have gotten mad at him and made him clean it up. But that's okay. All in the past, right? :D

Mormon Message Monday

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dear Hair,

please grow faster. I'm wanting longer hair.

As far as the bangs go....not sure if I want you to grow back yet or not....

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Occupy Hall House

These guys have been showing up everywhere in the house. In a bunch of random are a FEW of the places. 

becoming a part of the Occupy movement

Sleeping in the tent

they are on top of windows...

and riding on wood elephants

this guy isn't a stormtrooper, but he wanted to join the party

Yep. He is hanging from the ceiling. 

that's where all the cookies went...

This clever guy is above our front door

ah ha! Now we know how they survived the flood

Monday, November 21, 2011

David, My Love

Photos courtesy of Holly Robinson :) Thanks Holly :) (sorry, I kind of just stole them...)

Today, I went to see David Archuleta. Yes, I do love him. 

Thanks everyone for letting me tag along, it was a lot of fun :)
On our way to see DAVID ARCHULETA!!!

WHile we were waiting in line, The Sweet Tooth Fairy brought us FREE cupcakes! Woot! I love them even more so than before :)
Amanda. One of my favorite girls on this planet

 Yes....that is David signing my heart was going a little crazy when he talked to me. :D I felt some chemistry there ...(as i'm sure was the case with every other girl)

Sorry, I used smiley faces a lot in this post....i am just so darn excited!

He has a concert on the 19th....the cheapest tickets are $166. LAAAAME. I wish I was rich at this moment

Mormon Message Monday!!!

It's official. Along with 'no pants mondays' , I am now doing a blog 'mormon message monday'. Every Monday (that I remember) will have one of those great videos along with my post. Orrrr it just might be the only thing for my post. It will just depend on the day.

Today's message will be on the Temple :) Oh my. You have nooo idea how excited I am to go there. It's been my goal for 18 years. Yes, it was the first thing I thought of when I came out of the womb. "I want to go to the temple". I remember it like it was yesterday....

(Oh, I realized I forgot to explain the blog name. 10th child, born on the 10th day, of the 10th month. And 10 siblings. But ten ten ten ten? Lame. I'm sticking with only three) Enjoy this message :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Just a lot of pictures from the past few weeks

 Okay. I know I already posted today but I just got a little bored and decided to post some pictures from the past couple of weeks. Including tonight. Snow...Hmmm...
 M is pretty much adorable and I could take pictures of him (and many other children) all day. 

I was in a sepia mood. If you can't tell

Oh. P.s. if you do not want pictures of your children up here, just say so and down they come. I already know of someone that doesn't (at least i'm pretty sure) so just let me know!

The sock bun. There is a sock in my hair. It was supposed to curl it, but it didn't work. Practice makes perfect, right? I will try a couple more times

"Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"


SNOW!!! I have mixed feelings

hot chocolate (sweetened with stevia) in the snow! The mug was hot...hence the rag

no flash


creeper cat

 Ash Wednesday. He wasn't taking it well. 

Happy Weekend and go BYU


Now everyone in my english class knows how horrible of a writer I am....

It's not my fault that I can't, and never have been able to, explain things. I don't think it is at least.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

my plan.

I'm makings these today 

Only 2 Tablespoons of sugar. I think that's okay? Maybe I will use agave.

Monday, November 14, 2011

It's just one of those mornings...

You know those kinds of days where everything seems to go wrong for a high school student? They forget their paper, wake up 5 minutes before school started, etc etc. I've never had one of those days in my WHOLE high school career, so I've never known what they were like. Well ladies and gentlemen, I had one of those mornings today.

It's an A day, and I do not have a first period (it's dedicated to sleeeeep). Today however, I had a paper due that I did not do. So I set my alarm for 7 so that I would have enough time to get ready and finish the paper and still get to school on time. I also had to keep in mind that it was a monday, which meant early out day and shorter class periods.

At 7:03 my alarm went off "Green eyes..." etc etc(Coldplay). I slid the snooze button (you don't press it, you slide it). 7 minutes later I hear Green Eyes again...I slid the snooze. 7 minutes later....7 more minutes later....and 7 more minutes later I realize the time and slide the stop this time. I hung out in bed for a couple minutes and decided I should probably get out because my time is limited. I go downstairs, grab a bowl of cereal (cheerios, if you were wondering) and eat it. And the honey was...old...what's the word....grainy! You know what I mean? Ugh. It does not taste good. I then went to work on my paper. Which was pretty much a fact/research paper on the Senator for Maine, Olympia Snowe. Microsoft Word wasn't installed on my computer because we had to reboot it and all that jazz. And the printer wasn't hooked up to the other computer. Me and my mom took about 10 minutes trying to install it, only to find we had the wrong disc.


Oh wait! Google Docs! Good deal. I wrote my paper.  It took FOR-EV-ER. About an hour and a half. A lot longer than I was planning. I then tried to print it. But you want to know the dumb thing about Google Docs? To print, you have to open it in a different word document on your computer. I did not have one. STUPID. stupid stupid stupid.

My mom said she would find the right disc and install it while I got ready. I ran up and took a shower and accidently put shower gel in my hair while washing it...yeah...not happy about that. You know those exfoliating bead things? They were all in my hair. Yippee. I quickly got out of the shower (fastest one i've ever taken in my life with warm water. I've taken a 30 second one with cold). I checked my phone and found a text from my friend Jess telling me that today was minimal day. Which means that classes are even SHORTER. I'd already missed second period because of this party I was having and third period was starting in 5 minutes. That means no time to dry my hair. With my did not look so hot. I had to attempt to pin them back but they were too short to look good. Oh well, I can deal. 

Deep breath. Okay. Run.

 The disc for Word was not found. My mom then offered me her computer (which had Word) and I could hook it up to the printer and print. Okay, hurray hurray hurray.

I tried to print it and it wasn't working....what in the hay? Why not? It was the other printer installed on her laptop, not the one I was at. So I ran over to the other, plugged it in, and printed it. I have wasted sooo much time already. I needed to get to school. I picked up my paper and only half of it had printed. WE. WERE. OUT. OF. INK. You have got to be kidding me???

Oh well. I need to get to school. I needed a note, I was late for 3rd. It took me a couple minutes to find my mom to get the note signed, I ran to the car guessed it. It didn't start. I tried it a couple more times and finally got it on the third or fourth time. Thank you, thank you.

On a more happy note no one had taken my spot in the parking lot at school :)

I now look back on this morning at laugh. It was needed in order for me to graduate I believe.

Oh yeah, I ended up re-printing my essay at school. I just hope the teacher doesn't read it...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A couple pictures from Rivendell

Yes, I know the following three pictures are the same. Look again. They are different. I decided to mess around with some texture filters on the first two. The first and second are the same, BUT, the first one has a grain texture to it, as well as a dark...something...I forgot exactly. I will check later. The second one is just the dark something. Then the third is just a little bit tweaked....

The lighting was not very grand, so, it didn't make for the best picture possible. And I only had a point and shoot camera. So no aperture settings could be applied to help it out a little. (Another reason why I need that Rebel. I should just mention that camera in every post of mine. I pretty much am doing that already!)

I LOVE this bear, he (or she?) is one of my favorite things on the property. The wind chime garden is for sure my absolute favorite, favorite, place. Pictures of that MAY make up sometime in my life time.
I like the reflection of the trees
 More pictures could be posted at a later time. It just depends if I have time to mess with them on photoshop or not.

Oh, and welcome my followers! You make me feel special :)

Just a thought...

In seminary right now we are studying the Old Testament and we recently got into Exodus (it's crazy how much I've already learned from this book, that I honestly never thought I would). The past two classes we have been talking about Moses going and talking to Pharaoh telling him to let his people, the Israelites, free. Pharaoh would not do it, and as you probably know, there were 10 plagues sent to the Egyptians. After the first 9, with annoying flies and locusts, and hail, etc, Pharaoh still did not listen to Moses. He kept hardening his heart and was not paying attention to ALL THOSE WARNINGS. Although all those warnings were annoying, God was still being merciful to them because they weren't necessarily personal to them. He gave them warnings that, you would think, should have been understood by the Egyptians. It amazes me that they didn't get it. That Pharaoh wouldn't listen. It took 10 tries, before the Lord had to get more personal, by taking the first born. It took TEN plagues, the last being the death of his son, before Pharaoh finally let Moses and his people leave.

I learned that we CAN NOT be like those Egyptians, and not heed the warnings from God and our prophets. We need to listen the first time.

God will not do anything with out warning us first

Learn from God's warnings when they are first sent, otherwise, life will be difficult.

Thank goodness for our modern day prophets, right? :)

I couldn't find the particular Mormon Message I was looking for...but here is a different one I love

Friday, November 11, 2011

I wish I wish I wish.

I should stop looking at amazing pictures (mainly on Pioneer Woman). They make my heart jerk a little more every time. Why? It  makes me want need that Canon camera even more....

I wish I had $1000.

Today at 11:11 (on 11/11/11) I made four wishes and kissed the clock. Two of the wishes were that I would get into BYU and that I would soon receive that darn SLR. The other two...I will keep to myself :)

Hey, my birthday was on 10/10/10 last year...I think that's pretty cool...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Oh the temptations of sugar.

I've been trying a no sugar thing until Thanksgiving gets here. No sugar unless you forget about it, that is. I genuinely forgot two or three times, but also ate a sugary treat two or three times on purpose. Today was one of those on purpose moments....

So you know how in english we get extra credit for bringing treats? Well, i had english today. Two people brought treats. The first brought little fun size snickers and I thought's really small. And that's all I will have today. It's only one. I will think about it some more. 

Next, there were donuts passed around. From Standards Night last night (which was pretty good). They had left over treats so my friend brought some to class. Easy extra credit....too easy.

Donuts. This should be easy to pass by. They don't look appetizing at all. 

"No thank you"

I was safe. Then, out of the deep darn blue, the girl with the snickers came back for another round. She had extras....

She put that second Snicker on my desk

Oh great. Now what do I do? 

I sat and stared at those two for about 20 minutes (not paying attention to the lesson) debating whether or not I should eat them. After all, it says "Hungry? Grab a Snickers." I was hungry...

I decided to eat just one. For now. It tasted really good....I wish it had made me gag. About 30 minutes later, I found myself staring at the second candy bar again.

Should I...should I's so small. But I really shouldn't. 

I did anyways. BAD idea. It made me sick. (Sugar makes me sick really easily these days) I should have learned my lesson when I had that last treat...and the one before....and then that other one.

But I don't. I'm going to try harder though! Promise. I hope.

I've said that before though...

For the chocolate doesn't count in this (for me at least, I don't know about you Allysh). It's too cold and very much a sin not to have hot chocolate or cider in the winter. Hey, I only have half a packet (when I use packets) or I make homemade with very little sugar and chocolate.

The Wonders of Artwork

This is a video I found on the [im]perfect blog (see previous post). The video lady in a video is her mom, and it's way cool.

See this post here

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I've finished my assignments in computer tech and I am now spending my time searching for fun blogs for me to follow. Guess what. I found one! From what I've come up with, this girl is only 16 years old and is an awesome writer! It makes me super duper envious of her.

Her blog is called [im]perfect, and absolutely adorable. She is going to be famous one day. I know it.

i love blogs.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Guilty as charged...

Let's face it. We all enjoy taking pictures of ourselves on photobooth. If we are bored and just sit down at the computer, who doesn't pull that picture taking device up and snap a couple shots? Well, I know I do. So I decided to post pictures from when we first got this Mac. Only on the family account. There are plenty more on my account.

Enjoy. The then, and now of me taking pictures of myself. (I wanted to post pictures of other people, but I decided that if they wanted those up, they could put them up themselves. I am sure you all appreciate that. I found some of a majority of you....ha.)

Don't laugh. Sometimes I get bored and it's my entertainment to take pictures. Actually, you can laugh. Just don't judge. Thank you

When I had short black hair

No braces...

Hey there glowing face

Oh, sorry. This is from my Hawaii trip, not photobooth

I like hair mustaches 

Starting to miss my no bang hair right about now...

I used to be a fan of these distorted pictures and laugh my head I find them unflattering. So I only posted this one

After I cut my bangs

My other Hawaii trip

Big eyed bug?
There you have it.

I decided I should get a Mac when I get a laptop...just for this application.