Monday, November 28, 2011

Confession time baby!

Alright. Listen up. I have some confessions to make.

First off I would like to say that when I was younger, I would do things for attention (don't we all?) so on some of these things, please bear (bare? ...)with me. I thought I was being funny and that they would just go away but these things have kept coming up and I am now old enough and am not embarrassed to let you guys know that:

Lorien - remember when I "slept walked" into your room and had a sword fight? I was awake. I either woke up and couldn't get back to sleep so decided to or I planned it...I don't remember. So that perfect form I was all me. Thanks :)

Kim - Idaho. 5 years ago about. Maybe 4. Again with the sleep walking type thing. I was WIDE awake and I'm not sure what prompted that one. I did come up with everything as I went though, it was not a planned in advance thing. Potgut. Enough said. Oh, and wall river dancing.

Kim, Rose, and....Bethany I think - When I wrote down everything that you guys were saying in your sleep, about 1 sentence of that was true. Someone said something on my way down to mom's room and so I ran and got a paper and pen so that I could write down what you said if there was anything else. BUT, no one said anything. So I made it up.

There are my confessions. I know, I was a horrible human being...child...girl. I'm pretty sure that was all as far as the sleep stuff goes. HOWEVER. I might have pretended I was talking in my sleep sometimes, but 90% of the time I was talking, and possibly walking, and kicking, and taking up almost every corner of the bed without my knowledge. Cross my heart hope to die.

There you go folks! Now I don't have to keep telling people that it really didn't happen when it gets brought up.... Forgive me? :) It was, after all, a long time ago. Elementary school and jr high yeah. A long time ago

Oh, and Mom - when I was about....8 or 9, it was me who spilled all the flour on the floor in the storage room, not Christian. So, you shouldn't have gotten mad at him and made him clean it up. But that's okay. All in the past, right? :D


  1. Ha ha! That's the funniest post I've read all day! Ha ha. Funny. You owe Christian Oreo's or something...Smiles.

  2. You totally owe Christian! You goof. :)

  3. Well Caitlin - you have come up with a very creative way to confess your sins! I think I'm going to have you clean the storage room on Saturday!!!

    (Rreally I laughed til I cried!)

  4. okay okay! WHAT!!!???!?!?! Oh man! I can't believe you didn't laugh.



    and above all...Hilarious.
