You know those kinds of days where
everything seems to go wrong for a high school student? They forget their paper, wake up 5 minutes before school started, etc etc. I've never had one of those days in my WHOLE high school career, so I've never known what they were like. Well ladies and gentlemen, I had one of those mornings today.
It's an A day, and I do not have a first period (it's dedicated to sleeeeep). Today however, I had a paper due that I did not do. So I set my alarm for 7 so that I would have enough time to get ready and finish the paper and still get to school on time. I also had to keep in mind that it was a monday, which meant early out day and shorter class periods.
At 7:03 my alarm went off "
Green eyes..." etc etc(Coldplay). I slid the snooze button (you don't press it, you slide it). 7 minutes later I hear Green Eyes again...I slid the snooze. 7 minutes later....7 more minutes later....and 7 more minutes later I realize the time and slide the stop this time. I hung out in bed for a couple minutes and decided I should probably get out because my time is limited. I go downstairs, grab a bowl of cereal (cheerios, if you were wondering) and eat it. And the honey was...old...what's the word....grainy! You know what I mean? Ugh. It does not taste good. I then went to work on my paper. Which was pretty much a fact/research paper on the Senator for Maine, Olympia Snowe. Microsoft Word wasn't installed on my computer because we had to reboot it and all that jazz. And the printer wasn't hooked up to the other computer. Me and my mom took about 10 minutes trying to install it, only to find we had the wrong disc.
Oh wait! Google Docs! Good deal. I wrote my paper. It took FOR-EV-ER. About an hour and a half. A lot longer than I was planning. I then tried to print it. But you want to know the dumb thing about Google Docs? To print, you have to open it in a different word document on your computer. I did not have one. STUPID. stupid stupid stupid.
My mom said she would find the right disc and install it while I got ready. I ran up and took a shower and accidently put shower gel in my hair while washing it...yeah...not happy about that. You know those exfoliating bead things? They were all in my hair. Yippee. I quickly got out of the shower (fastest one i've ever taken in my life with warm water. I've taken a 30 second one with cold). I checked my phone and found a text from my friend Jess telling me that today was minimal day. Which means that classes are even SHORTER. I'd already missed second period because of this party I was having and third period was starting in 5 minutes. That means no time to dry my hair. With my did not look so hot. I had to attempt to pin them back but they were too short to look good.
Oh well, I can deal.
Deep breath. Okay. Run.
The disc for Word was not found. My mom then offered me her computer (which had Word) and I could hook it up to the printer and print. Okay, hurray hurray hurray.
I tried to print it and it wasn't working....what in the hay? Why not? It was the other printer installed on her laptop, not the one I was at. So I ran over to the other, plugged it in, and printed it. I have wasted sooo much time already. I needed to get to school. I picked up my paper and only half of it had printed. WE. WERE. OUT. OF. INK. You have got to be kidding me???
Oh well. I need to get to school. I needed a note, I was late for 3rd. It took me a couple minutes to find my mom to get the note signed, I ran to the car guessed it. It didn't start. I tried it a couple more times and finally got it on the third or fourth time. Thank you, thank you.
On a more happy note no one had taken my spot in the parking lot at school :)
I now look back on this morning at laugh. It was needed in order for me to graduate I believe.
Oh yeah, I ended up re-printing my essay at school. I just hope the teacher doesn't read it...