"...of you it is requited to forgive all men." - Doctrine and Covenants 64:10
I am grateful that others forgive me. If my friends and family didn't forgive me for the things I do when I'm not thinking, I don't know what I would do.
Throughout my life I have always tried to be forgiving of others. We all make mistakes, and I don't want to lose those relationships over something that is not worth losing it over. I could definitely be more forgiving though. Sometimes it is just so hard to forgive someone else for what they have done, and that's understandable. But I have learned that through the Atonement and asking for help from Heavenly Father I am able to forgive - even if it takes a long time.
Throughout my life I have also done things that I hope to be forgiven for. I have ruined a couple friendships by doing just little things and not thinking. Sometimes I realize what I'm doing at the beginning or in the middle, and other times I realized I lost a friend after she was long gone.
One of the hardest things to say is "I'm sorry." Especially when you feel like the other person is thinking oh they are only saying sorry to get it off their chest. She isn't really sorry. And the truth is yes, we are saying it to get it off our chest, but we also are truly sorry and wish to change.
I am so grateful for the Saviors example of being forgiving. And for other's examples as well.
I really hope that if anything comes up in my life that requires forgiveness, any hard trial, that I will be able to be like Chris and look toward Christ and use His Atonement to get through it and just love and forgive.
Thank goodness for the gospel.
I love your post Caitlin. You are a wonderful person.