Tuesday, March 27, 2012

7 Steps (or questions) for Sugar Eating - according to me.

This is my new and improved plan on how to eat less sugar. I made it up myself, for myself. If you would like to use it, use away

ask yourself these questions...

1. Is it worth it?
-If no, don't eat it
-if yes continue to #2

2. Is it really worth it?
-If no, don't eat it
-If yes, continue to #3

3. Will it make you feel sick?
-If yes, don't eat it
-If not, or at least not easily, continue to #4

4. How unhealthy is it?
-Very: don't eat it
-Eh, in between: go to step #1
-Not too terrible: continue to step 5

5. Will you be able to eat small amounts? Can you have self-control? Honestly?
-If no, then don't eat it
-If yes, continue to step 6

6. How many treats have you had today and yesterday combined?
-If more then 2, don't eat it
-If one, go to step 1 or 2
-If none, go to the next step

7. Is it a pie? (a good kind)
-No, go to step 1 or 2
-If yes, eat it.

I believe these will pass the test


  1. yo. WHERE IS YOUR NO SUGAR MONTH BUTTON? gone. Have you given up on no sugar month? ah. I am lonely... :( hee. :)

  2. I know...I was going to mention something about that in my post but I forgot :) It went downhill with Pi day. I went a couple days without sugar, then had cookies. Went a couple more, had girl scout cookies, etc etc. :) I'm trying not to eat a lot though!
