You see this guy? His name is Jimmer
He is one of my all time favorite BYU basketball players aaaand I met him yesterday? What? It was kind of an embarrassing/great is the story
I was at Target yesterday with a couple friends getting some bagels. We went over to the bakery and deli area, got our stuff then turned around. Right when I turned around I made quick eye contact with Jimmer and just stood there in complete and udder shock. With my jaw dropped of course. My friend said that my face turned way white, then really red. I didn't know what to do so I just turned and walked away and started to hyperventilate. Literally. I couldn't breath! I was half laughing and half gasping for air and was just in complete shock that I had just seen Jimmer Fredette. I called my dad to tell him and he thought that I had been in a car accident or something because of the way I sounded. Nope, just Jimmer. He told me to go get his autograph or something because it's a one in a life time chance. To see Jimmer. In target. Ah!
So me and my friends went walking down looking in every isle trying to find him. We found him on the isle right across from the shampoo isle. I had my back to him and asked my friend Taylor ( the following conversation isn't the exact words, but the general idea) "is he behind me? Is he there?"
"yeah, he is"
"What do I do? Come with me"
"I can't go with you!"
"Please! I need support"
friend sarah comes and joins
"You guys need to come with me"
And then....I just turned around and started walking toward him, with out saying anything else.
(imagine this next line in a really high voice. Because that's how it was. Super embarrassing)
ah! Stupid right?
"Can you sign this?" (I pull out a notebook) "can I get your autograph?"
"Sure" (says Jimmer)
"Sorry for bugging you, I feel really bad"
"Don't worry about it. Here you go"
"Thanks. Bye"
Turn quickly around and walk away while hitting my head with the notebook.
Now, I do not have a picture for proof this time. I already felt bad bugging him for his autograph, I didn't want to bug him with a picture. Plus is girlfriend was there so it was kind of awkward...
My legs were super weak at this point and it felt like I was going to collapse. Did I just talk to Jimmer?! Heck yes I did!
Oh, and listen to this. I was wearing my work out clothes and looked super cute. (That last part was sarcastic)
It was great though. He was kind of quiet...probably because he is sick of people coming up to him. :P You never expect how you are going to act with things like this until it actually happened. Believe me, I've planned this situation out in my head if it ever happened in my life time, and it was NOTHING like this. Oh well. What's done is done.
Jimmer is an AMAZING basketball player and I just love to watch him play. Stuff he does and shots he gets in are CRAZY. I hope he has a good NBA career :)
P.s. I am not one of those "all of a sudden a Jimmer fan because he is famous". I have been watching him play since he was a sophomore and have always been a fan.
Sorry if I creeped you out or annoyed you Jimmer. But it made my year. Thanks :)
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