Monday, January 2, 2012

My Turn...

Everyone else is posting about the new year (now 2 days old! wow...time goes by fast) so I thought I would put in my thoughts.

I have never, ever made any serious 'New Year's Resolutions', they have just been hopes. For example: Take a family trip to Hawaii (ha!), not procrastinate school work (ha. ha. ) and break the law in one way shape or form (that one I just can't do. I'm too much of a 'i can't get into trouble' girl).

So this year, ladies and gentlemen, i've decided to make real and practical resolutions! Only a couple though. And they are pretty much bound to happen. Would you like to know what they are???

I thought you might.

1. Graduate - if this could come any faster I would not complain about school for a whole 3 months, I promise. People have always talked about having "senioritus" as if it was a real disease, and I thought it was a little ridiculous. But I am alive and semi-well to tell you that it is a real, true, living disease. And I have it. But it's not necessarily the school work ( although that definitely is a part of it) as much as it is the people....please people, take no offense. Maybe it's not so much the people as it is the drama that comes along with them. Whatever it is, I'm ready to be done with it. I'm ready for college.
...   ...   ... woh. I never thought I would say that (or type it).

2. Get a camera that I really really really like or love. - That Canon that I'm constantly talking about...that's what I'm getting. I hoping to save up money and combine it with my graduation present money so that I can get it (another reason to graduate quickly)!

3. Eat Healthy and exercise more - I know I know I know, everybody and their dog says that. But I really need to do this. I exercise on an average of once every month or two, and my eating habits are not super (they are getting better though! Be proud). I just want to feel good for the year 2012 :)

4. More diligent piano practice - I don't think this one needs any explanation.

5. Get into BYU - this goal is pretty  much beyond my control. But BYU, you can help me out on this one :) 

and my totally out there goal:

6. First Kiss? - Haha! ( I made you laugh, right?)  I don't plan on this one :) To be honest, I'm scared as heck for my first kiss. It's a good thing I don't have to deal with it for a while :D

Well...There you go. That's all. Aaaand just kidding. One more.

7. Braces off - PLEASE. please please please please please. Before choir tour. Or at least before Prom. I dis - like these things with passion.

Okay, that's really all. I now need to go read 100 more pages of my AP novel that is due tomorrow. I just needed a break from it (I just read about 120 pages).

You know what? I'm liking this weather :) Now that December is over there is no need for snow, and I'm all for the sun! I am READY for summer.

Watch this, it will be May 31st and we will get 6 inches of snow. Ha! That's a funny joke. But I wouldn't care to hear it again.


  1. Sounds like quite the year ahead!

  2. good luck with that! I bet you can get most of those done...if not all.

  3. You are so funny Caitlin! I'm laughing! We were all scared for our first kiss - at least if we were a girl! Probably the guys are too.
