Thursday, January 12, 2012

MV Fundraising concert!!! happy day

I am posting the email I sent (or may not have) to people. Maybe I can get some kind of response.. it's a far fetched dream but I'm going for it!

Hello. One and all

MV's fundraising choir concert is coming up in Feb. on the 17th and 18th (don't quote me on that. I know its the friday and saturday of that week at least...). The performances are at 7 both nights, and then there is a matinee on the saturday performance at 2. Tickets are $10 each, and I know that's a lot but $7 of it goes to me for choir tour (yay!), so you would get to help a sister out WHILE watching an awesome choir production! :) the theme is "a night at the movies" and all the choirs (and students in speciality numbers) are singing a  bunch of different numbers from random movies and there will be dancing, and costumes, and fun!

If you do decide to come, and to come for the matinee, there is a family deal available. It's $40 for up to 7 people in the family (meaning living in the house). And that's only offered for the matinee.

So if you would like to go please let me know soon and I can get those tickets for you!!!

Also, if you or anyone you know is interested in putting a business ad in the program, then you can buy space! (Linc? Beth? Lor? Etc...) And if you have friends with a business let them know too! 

A full page ad costs $100, Half page $50, and then quarter page is $25. The size is the average size of a a church program. Not sure exactly on the measurements. The ads would be in black and white and there over 1,000 programs printed and given out so lots of people will see it! (money from this will also go towards my tour...I would have to check how much of it if you really want to know)

Please let me know ASAP if  you want one or the other or BOTH! Thank you!!! and let all your friends know about both of them too!

Wow. Sorry I sound like one of 'those people'. Bleh. 


p.s. getting letters in the mail is the absolute bomb! Next time you desire to tell me a story or if you are just bored, send a letter on over. With a stamp. And wavy ink. And orange numbers and symbols at the bottom of the envelope. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling they have to be from someone of a certain gender to be the absolute bomb! Letters are fun however. They have practically become extinct.
