Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dear Jack, can come down now. I know I told you to go away and never come back,but I didn't really mean it. After all,it was a year ago. The truth is that it just isn't the same without you here;mainly because it's that time of the season where you are really needed. You don't have to stay long; just a month. You make Christmas come alive. I also like to have you in my pictures. You add a certain excitement to them. And let me tell ya, going sledding without you is NO FUN. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't feel right going down that hill not having you there to slide me along. So here is my final plea: come back for just a little while. If you promise not to hurt anyone then maybe we will want you to stay a bit longer. Complete our Christmas.

Seriously. Snow, you better get here quick. I expect your arrival by Monday morning. You will be welcome on Sunday too, of course

Someone who needs your magic,
